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SUNDAY MAY 22, 2022

TEXT: Jude 1:3, Luke 18:8, Hebrew 11:6, John 4:23-24, Hebrew 11:25, Romans 4: 18, 21.


  • You cannot fight for what you don’t value. If you are going to contend for the faith, it has to be of value to you. You must place value on your salvation, you must place value on your belief in Jesus.

  • We must contend for the faith because of our belief system, and our understanding of Christ Jesus. The faith delivered to the saints is under attack.

  • The faith we have does not change with the times. It has been passed on to the saints and it remains the same for all times. Resist the temptation to modernize it.

  • If you must be born again, you must repent of your sins, confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior and receive atonement by His blood … that will not change.

  • God saves the lost through preaching. So you must go out to preach because that is the Great Commission and it will not change.

  • We live in a digital world now but no matter how good technology is, it cannot replace the gathering of brethren together in fellowship. That gathering is the church and must not change.

  • No modernization or technology should take us to a point where a wife will no longer submit to their husband. No matter how accomplished a woman gets, that should not change her role in the home as a wife. That’s the faith we received.

  • We must keep the sanctity of the faith. It must not be corrupted by worldliness and immorality.


  1. New Testament Faith: Faith in a God that we do not see. Moulding an image to represent Jesus and worshipping it is idolatry.

  2. Sacrificial Faith: Faith that forsakes everything for the sake of the gospel. If your faith costs you nothing and the focus is only on what you get, that is counterfeit faith.

  3. Strong Faith (Righteous faith): Faith that is not moved by circumstances. It is faith that is based on God’s word and triumphs over science.

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Weekly Service Schedule
  • Sunday 8:00am  – School of Discipleship
  • Sunday 9:00am  – Supernatural Encounter
  • Thursday 6:30pm – Feast of Champions

Sure Word Assembly, The MEGAlife Cathedral, Greenfield Estate, Trinity Bus Stop, Ago Palace Way, Okota, Lagos, Nigeria

Sure Word Assembly © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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