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TEXT: 3 John 1:2, Ps 35:27, Deut 28:8-12, Luk 13:10-13, Ps 112:1-3, 2 Cor 9:8, Deut 8:11-18, Heb 6:13-18, 2 Cor 8:9


  • It is God’s will for you to prosper. Salvation is holistic and encompasses every facet of your life. Every parent delights in the success of their child.

  • The first thing that God created (even before He made man) was an environment of pleasure and abundance. He wants us to thrive not just survive.

  • Prosperity is a good thing. It gives you true freedom and puts options at your disposal. Poverty is not the will of God.

  • The root of poverty is spiritual. When the enemy wants to limit your potential, he cripples your finances. Prosperity is also spiritual.

  • Poverty is not a sign of holiness. Righteousness and prosperity are not mutually exclusive. You can prosper and still serve God your faith should be an advantage.

  • Prosperity is also not an index of righteousness. It is possible to prosper outside the will of God. Money does not make or change you. It merely amplifies who you are.

  • God is our source of wealth. ‘El-Shaddai is the name that speaks to His inexhaustibility. ‘Jireh’ is the God who supplies before there is a need

  • The basis of the prosperity that we receive from God is the covenant. He is committed to blessing us and has sealed His promise with the blood of His son and an oath.

  • We lay hold of prosperity the same way we access salvation. We believe that Jesus died so that we might receive his riches in exchange for our poverty and walk in that consciousness.

  • When it comes to prosperity, what you believe is more important than what you do. It doesn’t matter how hard you work or how much you earn if you do not first believe the truth

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Weekly Service Schedule
  • Sunday 8:00am  – School of Discipleship
  • Sunday 9:00am  – Supernatural Encounter
  • Thursday 6:30pm – Feast of Champions

Sure Word Assembly, The MEGAlife Cathedral, Greenfield Estate, Trinity Bus Stop, Ago Palace Way, Okota, Lagos, Nigeria

Sure Word Assembly © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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