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TEXT: Mark 10:46-52, Heb 11:1


  • There is no sickness that God cannot heal, no situation that He cannot change. It is up to you to make up your mind about what you want to receive from Him.

  • You must be determined to press into what God has for you irrespective of what people around you think or say. Don’t let anyone hold you back from your miracle.

  • Whether you receive a miracle or not depends on the state of your heart. You must believe that God is and that he rewards those that seek him diligently.

  • Not forgiving others places a burden on you and prevents you from receiving God. Forgive those who hurt you and use their Betrayal as a stepping stone to your next level.

  • Live a clean life. Do not compromise your faith or cut corners to hasten your promotion. God honours faithfulness.

  • Be a giver. Giving positions you to receive from God. It set you up for promotion and releases supernatural favour upon your life.

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Weekly Service Schedule
  • Sunday 8:00am  – School of Discipleship
  • Sunday 9:00am  – Supernatural Encounter
  • Thursday 6:30pm – Feast of Champions

Sure Word Assembly, The MEGAlife Cathedral, Greenfield Estate, Trinity Bus Stop, Ago Palace Way, Okota, Lagos, Nigeria

Sure Word Assembly © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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